Monday, 2 October 2017

October 2nd to Phalombe

Friends, family and supporters,
This was a Sunday to remember for all of us here. It was the day we are to receive the land from the chief at Phalombe. It started very early as we have a long drive. We were in the vehicle and out the gate at 0715. I was surprised by the improvements in the road to our destination, all but the last several miles have been paved cutting the drive time in half and making it a lot more comfortable. The last few miles are a hard as ever on both car and human body. The first thing we did was meet with the men of the church and the chief to deed the land to Bible Way Baptist Ministries. After the papers were signed we were showed the land. It measures 40 by 50 meters and is rock free and flat, it is good land. That is the good news now for the rest of the story. The Chief did several land searches to make sure it was his to give and as he was about to draw up the papers a man came forward and had deed to the building and said, not so fast, he was not going to give it to the church. The Chief moved the land 9 meters East so as to avoid a problem. We now have land but no building, again not so fast. A member of the little church said he would pay to have the building moved, brick by brick to the new land and the members said they would supply the labor to do it. They also told the man who would not let us use the building that they still loved him and understood with no hard feeling. What a testimony to a church and their willingness to be a good neighbor. They love their churches new name (Seminole Baptist Church) and when they found out it was after a tribe of American Indians who also lived in villages and had chiefs to lead them they said God is good. Amen.

I imparted a simple Gospel message because there were a lot of visitors who came to church for the first time, Rackson made the invitation and many responded, Seminole Baptist Church is growing. Pastor Andrew will be enrolling in the  upcoming bible academy (Prayers are needed for this
vision) whenever we get the preliminary work done and support raised, soon I pray. Pastor Kaiwe preached a powerful message. The church received a lot of good information from the bible and were much pleased. They made sure we had lunch before we ventured back home.

Sometime during the service a runner from a church in the Khando area which is about 10-12 Kilometers down the road? from where we were and would be passing on our way back pleaded with us to stop and preach at his place.
Rackson was not comfortable with adding a stop on a long day but we said we would stop by for a few minutes but not bring a service. After a little drive on the goat trails we arrived to singing and much excitement. It was decided we would stop and see and encourage the people, I went inside and looked around and informed Rackson I was going to bring them a short message on the "Great Invitation" from Matthew. It was well received and again made the invitation and several lead men came forward. Soon we were on the road and off to visit Rackson son Jr. who is in boarding school and this Sunday was visitation day. It was a great reunion and we then headed home to darkness as Escom was out. Took a warm Shower, ate a warm meal and went to bed.  Before we went to the land of nod we had a prayer of thanks giving to God for such a day. His Son was lifted high to draw men to Him. I look with great anticipation for what He has planned in the next 40 days. It is good to be in the will of the Lord.

I will be sending some pictures of the day in separate e-mails so as not to over load your mail boxes.

Because of the Cross,

Chuck Miller

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