From the Desk of W. Charles Miller
Dear Pastors, friends and supporters,
It has been a very difficult week here in Malawi. The weather and the devil have been working hard against the work, the weather is what it is and there is nothing to be done. As for the devil, it is to be expected, often he goes about seeking whom…
After several days, the cold wind has abated to be replaced with hot days and warm nights along with two days cleaning dust out of everywhere and I mean everywhere. If that weren’t enough the farmers love to burn their fields, the smoke is really bad this time of year. Our God is good and serving Him is my reasonable service and the whole duty of man. Can I get an amen!
Thursday, we had women’s choir practice but called off soul winning and Saturday Church because of the weather. Everyone was hunkered down trying to stay warm, clean was not a part of the concern. Pastor Rackson received a call in the early evening from the Blantyre Chief of Police, he called to ask for prayers for the police officers working the night shift. There was great fear about the blood suckers (Vampires). This has really gotten out of hand, rumors running wild and people seeing and saying many strange things. The President of Malawi is traveling crossing the country trying to assure the people of their safety.
Sunday, we had a wonderful service. The Sunday school class was well attended with over 200 adults and children. I taught a lesson on Jonah and his warning to the people of Nineveh, yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown Jonah 3:4 letting them know WE may not have 40 days to repent. Pastor during his time had a few comments on Jonah and then went to 2 Corinthians 10 and brought a fine lesson. At the invitation many came forward, 7 for salvation. After closing prayer, we stayed after and prayed with those who were worried about vampires. They were very concerned about the night. They were taken to 2 Timothy 1:7.
On Monday, we got up early and picked up the remaining materials needed for the house, poles, timbers, nails, wire and lastly the steel sheets all for the roof. It took us the better part of 6 hours as no store sells all that is needed so we went to 4 different places. Monday is a national holiday here, Mother’s Day so many shops were closed or closed early. Rackson was called and told one of his cousins was in the hospital and his family wanted to see Rackson. It is about a 40-minute drive to the Chudludezu Hospital. We went and visited the family and after
the visit I was asked to lead family in a prayer. On the way home as it was getting dark we decided to drop the loaded lorry off at a nearby home of a friend and called it a day
This morning we were greeted by a phone call from the hospital telling us that during the night Rackson’s cousin had died. He was 20 years old and up till the other day he was in good health. His symptoms were sore chest and coughing. The funeral will be tomorrow. The family asked if Rackson will use the lorry to pick up the body from the morgue and take to the house where the service will take place in the morning. In Malawi, all things stop when there is a death and funeral. I had hoped for a better report but it is what it is. May God continue to bless this work and bless you all for your support, prayers and uplifting words of encouragement.
Because of the cross,
Bro. Chuck Miller, smoke eater or dirt eater it is all the same. 😉
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