Saturday, 19 September 2015

September 19th, 2015

 Friends, family and supporters,
We were awaken this morning to the sounds of songbirds in the nearby trees, normally that would be wonderful only problem the birds get up at zero dark thirty. Some blessings are too early. Other blessing are right on time. We had water and Escom at the same time. Because this is Saturday and the kids are home from school we could have slept a little later but…(songbirds).
Grace fixed a fine breakfast and we had good, hot coffee in abundance and much talk about this last year and how the Lord has blessed this ministry. Our plan for this day is to head out to a nearby village, one that is close to Njuli and have service. Although a lot has happened since the last e-mail, we were shopping in Limbe for some things needed for our stay here and on the way home the front end of the van began making strange noises, there is no such thing as a funny noise here in Malawi. Bottom line we lost the bushings on the passenger side for the tie rods and whatever else holds the wheels on. The rest of the day was spent in a hot van securing parts from many parts stores, no one store has all the parts needed.  Rackson has a friend who is a mechanic so we met him and took him to our place and he started work on the van. Could not finish before dark so he went home.
It is now Saturday and he is back and at work. I will let you know how our plans worked out after we get back later this evening.
The mechanic came early and after two plus hours the van is road ready, I hope. And we will be going out to the village soon.
We left the house around 1400 and after a 90 minute drive we arrived to the sound of singing. The village was off the main road several miles past Njuli but set way off in the low hills. There were about 30 adults and about the same number of young people. After introductions and a short service we split up the adults and children, I took the adults and Taylor Cook taught the children. This was his first time and what better way to learn to swim than being tossed in the water and to no one’s surprise he did very well. The Word was preached and many heard the gospel for the first time and there was much response. God’s word has power when presented simply and clearly. The sun was getting lower in the sky and after a simple party in our honor we headed home with feelings of joy that we had been there and accomplished a work for the Lord. He blessed us with breezes all during service and that was good, I thought maybe too good for along with the breeze was a little more dust and sand than I like in my eyes and mouth but good is good.
At home the Escom was out so we read bible by torch light, the boys had prepared our meal while we were out so we enjoyed rice and beef tips in magic sauce, very good. Went to bed early as we were weary from the heat of the day and with no Escom no reason to stay up.
Sunday will come here soon enough and we want to be ready.
Till then, God bless and keep you.
Chuck, Sheila, Taylor and the family

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