Friday, 1 January 2016

Christmas Report

Sending a report from Rackson. It is a compilation of several e-mails and pictures from the Fullfords and from Rackson. Rackson sends his best to all his friends and supporters here in the states and longs to be with you all again.  Bro. Chuck

December 23, 2015
Malawi Report for Christmas 2015

On Thursday the families Fullfords and Kaiwes went to the Blantyre landfill to pass out Christmas gift bags. Thankfully it was a windy day with clouds. The landfill has not changed much all the years we have been going to pass out bags; there are still piles of rotting eggshells, plastic bottles littered everywhere, broken glass covering the ground, let’s not forget the flies, and an unforgettable aroma. Despite all that, it is still exciting to be there every year. These are an incredible group of people who Jesus loves. It was an honor to love them on His behalf knowing how much He loves us. John preached a salvation message, God knows their heart but as you can see in the pictures it was well received. Also Rackson took aside a large group and proceeded to preach Jesus. From the pictures it was successful. Thank you to those who support our family with prayers and monetary funds, you make this possible and share a part in our ministry. Please enjoy the pictures and remember it is your support that makes the preaching of the Word possible.
The way to the dump is right off the main road from Blantyre on the way to Njuli. You can smell it long before you see it and when it rains it is almost to much.
As you can see the main entrance is littered and that is where the hunt begins for useable items and food
The power of life is great and with water plants will grow almost anywhere adding a beauty in a not so beautiful place
once the preachers get set up the people come. I have no idea where the come from but God knows and loves them.
Rackson and John both know the hearts and needs of the people and always preach the appropriates message, the one laid on their hearts as only God can do.
after the message the gifts are handed out and as you can see the crowd is calm and receptive. It is not always so.Rackson finished here and went back to Njuli and he and some of the members will prepare for their visit to a selected hospital to preach and teach and hand out gifts to the families. I have not received the pictures of that adventures but when I do I will send them to you.
God’s blessing extends to all the world but we here in America seem to have a double portion. Rackson was telling me how much better it will be when the ministry gets a lorry, bigger vehicle bigger ministry. That is why I end all my messages with “no messenger, no message”
Transcribed from e-mails and pictures from John Fullford and Rackson Kaiwe.
W. Charles Miller

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