Saturday, 14 November 2015

November Prayer Letter

November 13, 2015, 2015
Dear Praying friends and supporters,
Greetings from Bible Way Baptist Ministries (BWBM) Malawi Africa, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins, and His blood brought us together as brethren in His name, GLORY BE TO GOD!
I am sending this update and prayer letter about our Ministry for your edification and consideration.
The work is going well here, God is continuing to bless us and many things have been accomplished while the visitor from the states was here. Notable was the group “Women of the Well” they were such a blessing to us at Njuli. Our small church at Mbulumbuzi is still growing by his grace, where the church is planted is surrounded with the big religious churches like Muslims and Jehovah’s witness, but God will never let us down, as David said in Psalm 23: 5, He has provided us a great and safe table, the Church will grow and survive.
Last week we had soul winning at chitera village it was very wonderful 42 people accept the Lord as their savior, we are planning to present the Jesus film at the same village with our new projector screen, thanks to the people who donated this screen to this Ministry.
We have this needs that I would like to share and ask you to put us in your Prayers
1. We are praying for a Lorry, the used 1.5 tonner lorry that we need will cost $5000 if God gives us more we will get little bigger. This lorry will help us in a 1000 ways and can help to keep our van little bit longer, as it is not in a good shape now
2. Pray for Church building at Mbulumbuzi, and the classes to be finished up at Njuli
3. Please keep praying for our trips to Guluwe Mozambique, the phone calls are still coming to ask us if we can go to preach the gospel there, we are praying to God if He will open windows of blessings so that we can go and tell someone about the only Lord Jesus Christ, the only name which saves, these trips can cost $200-300 for us to drive there and stay two days.
4. Please pray as we are planning to set up training classes at Njuli Church. The classes will be for training of the pastors and will take one or two month. We will be instruction the leaders from Mozambique/ Mphalombe/ Mbulumbuzi/ and new place in Mozambique called Guluwe, we hope this will help them when they go home as they will be able to preach the Gospel without Njuli having to make as many trips there. We are planning for this, I thought this is a good plan, please pray for us.
Lastly I would like to thank you all for all of your prayers and support you lend to this ministry and our Family, God Bless you much.
Rackson, Grace, Rackson Jr. and Heath

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