Monday, 30 November 2015

November 23, 2015

Friends, family and supporters, I am sending the latest e-mail report from Rackson on this past Sunday’s service and special Baptism service. I will also send the many pictures he sent but only a few at a time as to not overload your e-mail box. Please rejoice with me as this blessing is yours to enjoy because of your prayers and financial support. As you can see we had to rent a lorry for transport. This came right out of Rackson support money and that is one reason we pray for the acquisition of a lorry for our many uses. Please pray with us that this ministry be bless with our own lorry.
 Bro. Chuck
   Dear Church Family, friends and supporters,   I hope you are doing well, I have write this to update about the work here, God has been faithful to us this week, this last Sunday we held a baptism service at Njuli Bible Way Baptist church, where 57 people were Baptized. 10 people from the church in Mbulumbuzi and 47 from Njuli. There was a problem with our borehole that it doesn’t give us enough water during the dry season. Than means we can not to use the Church Baptistery. All the rivers around Njuli Church are dried up now, and no other way we can do other than to hire a 3-ton lorry truck to take this people and some in my Van to the nearest river which is in 7 kilometers (10k is 6.2 miles) away from Njuli, Thank God everything went well. After that we went back to Church where I had the certificate ready and we handed it to them, it was very wonderful Sunday. Thanks for your prayers and support God bless you Rackson Kaiwe Evangelist                   

Saturday, 14 November 2015

November Prayer Letter

November 13, 2015, 2015
Dear Praying friends and supporters,
Greetings from Bible Way Baptist Ministries (BWBM) Malawi Africa, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins, and His blood brought us together as brethren in His name, GLORY BE TO GOD!
I am sending this update and prayer letter about our Ministry for your edification and consideration.
The work is going well here, God is continuing to bless us and many things have been accomplished while the visitor from the states was here. Notable was the group “Women of the Well” they were such a blessing to us at Njuli. Our small church at Mbulumbuzi is still growing by his grace, where the church is planted is surrounded with the big religious churches like Muslims and Jehovah’s witness, but God will never let us down, as David said in Psalm 23: 5, He has provided us a great and safe table, the Church will grow and survive.
Last week we had soul winning at chitera village it was very wonderful 42 people accept the Lord as their savior, we are planning to present the Jesus film at the same village with our new projector screen, thanks to the people who donated this screen to this Ministry.
We have this needs that I would like to share and ask you to put us in your Prayers
1. We are praying for a Lorry, the used 1.5 tonner lorry that we need will cost $5000 if God gives us more we will get little bigger. This lorry will help us in a 1000 ways and can help to keep our van little bit longer, as it is not in a good shape now
2. Pray for Church building at Mbulumbuzi, and the classes to be finished up at Njuli
3. Please keep praying for our trips to Guluwe Mozambique, the phone calls are still coming to ask us if we can go to preach the gospel there, we are praying to God if He will open windows of blessings so that we can go and tell someone about the only Lord Jesus Christ, the only name which saves, these trips can cost $200-300 for us to drive there and stay two days.
4. Please pray as we are planning to set up training classes at Njuli Church. The classes will be for training of the pastors and will take one or two month. We will be instruction the leaders from Mozambique/ Mphalombe/ Mbulumbuzi/ and new place in Mozambique called Guluwe, we hope this will help them when they go home as they will be able to preach the Gospel without Njuli having to make as many trips there. We are planning for this, I thought this is a good plan, please pray for us.
Lastly I would like to thank you all for all of your prayers and support you lend to this ministry and our Family, God Bless you much.
Rackson, Grace, Rackson Jr. and Heath

Monday, 9 November 2015

November 2nd

Friends, family and supporters,
I am sorry this report has taken so long but as many may already know I gave up my computer while in Malawi. John Fullford, a missionary in Tengani was in great need of a working computer and I had less of a need so I gave him mine. In the process of transferring information from my computer to Sheila’s computer some information files on e-mail were lost and I have had to rebuild my mailing lists. This is not an easy task but I think I have completed it best I can.
After we returned from our trip south we began preparation for the one day women’s conference. A group of ladies from several churches in America came to Malawi to teach the woman about Christ and the roll of woman in the church, home and family. Njuli was the last on their list of visits and I think it was the best visit, they were going home the next day. Sheila participated in two of the presentations, here and in Tengani. She had a grand time and so did the women
of Njuli. It is the first time they have ever had teaching just for them and they liked it.
Saturday, following the women’s conference Friday it was time to get everyone to the airport. We all met at Rackson’s home and at the appropriate time he led to the airport and the rest followed. I put Sheila and Taylor on the plane and when I was sure; Rackson, Grace and I headed back home.
I preached my last sermon for this trip the next day at Njuli and was overjoyed by the love that was shown me on that final day. I still had much to do before I headed back to the states the following Saturday.
Rackson, I and some of the men of the church spent a reasonable amount of time reflecting on the past 5 weeks and what was done well and what we could improve on. It was agreed that the Gospel had been preached and souls were saved, it don’t get any better. Plans are being made for our next trip Lord willing.
Thursday was my last teaching class and it was a long one. I had a 7-hour PowerPoint on church leadership. It was a long hot day but the presentation was well received. Njuli has been in existence since 2009 and was dedicated in 2010. Many changes have occurred over the years and this lesson was requested and needed. I was exhausted by
the end of the day and so was Rackson. It is no easy job being an interpreter to a guy who talks as fast as I talk.
We both slept late the next day but we had to be at Mbulumbuzi at 0900 as we were doing a lot of repair in the structure, much damage had been done by the muslims. We finished around 1300 and we came home so I could pack and get ready for the flight home in the morning. I was very sad to leave my family but I needed to get back to the states to keep the many appointments I have with doctors. It ain’t easy getting old.
At the airport it really hit me that I was leaving a loving family and would not see them for another year. God continued to watch over the work and has blessed us in so many ways allowing us to do many things to hold up His Son to a lost world. We serve a living, loving God who sent His Son to die for our sins. All He has ask is that we would tell someone else about our Saviour. Thanks for helping us do that.
Because of the Cross,
Bro. Chuck, Rackson and Grace
and the family back home.

October 15th

Friends, family and supporters,
It is Thursday afternoon and I need to get this report to you before Sheila and Taylor leave this coming Saturday as I am without a computer. There was a missionary who had a much greater need for a computer than I so I gave mine to him.
As I stated in a past e-mail there is a real need here in Njuli or more proper the Bible Way Baptist Ministries. We have come to a point in the work that if nothing is done we will not be able to continue but there will be no more growth. We need a 1.5 ton lorry at a cost of $5000.00 this ministry needs two vehicles. If we continue to use the passenger van as a lorry we will buy two vehicles just one at a time. There is much work to do on Mbulumbuzi and several projects at Njuli. The van was not built to be used to haul cement, gravel, bricks, long poles, steel sheets, much grass for temporary roofs or coffins and mourners. It has done this but it is beginning to wear on the van. Just going to some of the places we need to go cost not only petrol but front ends and tires. To haul enough of any materials even to Njuli we have to make many trips in the van very costly or hire a lorry and pay the going rate. We can buy bricks for a penny but it will cost 4 pennies to haul. At 40,000
bricks that is a lot of money to give to someone else. Going to Tengani or Mozambique takes a heavy toll on the van where a lorry is built for that kind of task. We have our eye on one that is available, it is a 1996 Mitsubishi, 1.5 ton (really a 2 ton) diesel engine with many miles left and body in fair shape. There are many to choice from but this is in the price range that ensures a good working vehicle that can be repaired at little cost. That my friends is the need and I ask that you pray about this on our behalf. The goal is the preaching of the gospel but many secular items are needed for this to happen.
This report is of the last few days and they have been good days for sure. I will report on Tengani, Jesus film and the funeral.
I met up with Sheila on Saturday, the guests left for Ntcheu on Saturday after their women’s conference held on Friday and we had a real good day of fellowship. John asked me to teach on Sunday and I was pleased to. We got there to Tengani from Nsanji at around 0830 and some of the churches lead men went to pick up members in the lorry. Bible school started at 0930 but people were still being delivered after. There were about 140-150 in attendance and I was very enthusiastic in my teaching because of their response to God’s word. Services
were over at 1230. At the invitation several souls came forward to confess Christ. Might I say it was HOT. John and family treated us very well and I was able to spend time with John while working at the compound. It was iron sharping iron and I thank God for men like John and his willingness to care for travelers. John has a very nice home but without power, which happened several time while we were there it is an oven within two minutes. Might I say HOT. During that time we were contacted by Rackson that the container had arrived in country and would be available to unload as soon as the paperwork was completed. It took Rackson two days to get it fixed while John was in Nsanji fretting every phone call and praying all things would work to our good. It seems not all things in the container will be duty free and there will be a charge. That is a 40% blessing. During our time at John’s, Rackson and Taylor presented a Jesus Film at the Mbulumbuzi area with well over 500 in attendance. Many hundreds raised their hands when the invitation was given. It was Taylor’s first time and he said he was stunned and I know what he felt. The next day was Sunday and Rackson held an abbreviated church service and then walked an hour from Njuli to hold a funeral for
a two year old child from Njuli church who died (from malaria) in the hospital on Saturday. Over 1000 were in attendance and it took over two hours for the service and invitation. The invitation brought forth many hundreds of hands calling on the Lord as Saviour. There is no better opportunity to preach the gospel and Rackson was ready to take it. Tomorrow will be the conference for the women of Njuli and it will start at 0900 until it is over. I will have the pleasure of being with Harry and rekindling our friendship. Saturday will be the departure day for the Women of the Well, there is seven in all. Taylor and Sheila will be heading home on the same flight and I and Rackson will be off to a Saturday service. Sunday I will teach at Njuli and Mbulumbuzi. Monday John will be up and we will see what John/Romans is in the container beside 100k and stuff for the ministry. Rackson will have a new 10X10 foot screen for showing the Jesus Film along with a new working keyboard with amp. for drawing crowds for the presentations and church services. We will be working on a new grass building for Mbulumbuzi during the week and I will have my last presentation on Thursday for six hours and come home and get ready for my departure.
This will be my last report till I get home as I have no way of reporting without a computer. Please know we love you all and miss you very much. Your prayers and support have been put to work and have produced much. I pray God’s blessings to you and yours.
Because of the Cross,
Your many faithful friends and co-workers.
Rackson, Grace, Taylor, Sheila and Chuck
On the way in the lorry to pick up for service
Bring them in and we did.