Monday, 5 October 2015

October 4th

Friends, family and supporters,
The last few days have been really busy with the funeral on Friday, Saturday service in a nearby village and Sunday service at Mbulumbuzi.
I will have Sheila post this report on the blog, see top of page, and also post pictures of the services. It takes a lot of time to send pictures with e-mail reports and time is money as I use a home hot spot and it is chargeable like phone minutes. No Wi-Fi at the house. That really costs money.
Saturday; Rackson, Grace, Sheila, Taylor and I left the house mid-afternoon and headed out to a preselected village within walking distance from Njuli or Mbulumbuzi about 5 miles from each where once again we were greeted by singing. Approx. 20 adults and 25 children were waiting for us. Once service started Taylor took the kids outside the compound a few buildings away and taught. I was with great ease left to teach the adults from John 1:1-13 and using other verses brought a salvation lesson and at the conclusion of the invitation given by Rackson, 9 souls called on the name of Jesus as their Saviour. We never fail to pray that the Holy Spirit goes before us and
touches the hearts of those who will hear and give us just one soul. God is good and He is good all the time.
Today Sunday we had the opportunity to teach at Mbulumbuzi. Attendance was small but the faithful were there and ready to learn, there is a hunger for the Word. I brought a lesson from Matthew 5:1-13 I ran a little long because as I asked them to turn to the place to start, Rackson said I did not know you were going to teach that lesson. The Jehovah witness have been teaching on that passage and teaching that the Malawians would not go to heaven if they did those things Jesus said but have all the blessings only here on earth. That is all I needed to hear and I corrected that notion much to the pleasing of the people and the Lord.
Rackson was to preach after I got through but he only added a few comments of his own and we closed with prayer. When we got home I asked him about the short lesson. I cannot tell you how pleased with the complement he paid me saying I covered the scripture so well he did not want the people to have anything else to think about other than what they had heard in the lesson. Sometimes the simpler the lesson the better.
Today was the first Sunday of the month and we could visit Rackson Jr. at school. We stopped and got his favorite; a big chicken dinner with all the trimmings and went to the meeting area. He was very glad to see his family but I saw a sadness in his eyes, he is really missing his mother. It took much encouragement from both Rackson and Grace to have him stay
there and not quit and come home. Not easy being a 12yr old boy away from home.
I told Sheila I knew how he felt I felt the same way when I joined the Navy. She looked at me like I was nuts and said I was 19 not 12. I told her I was not as mature as Rackson Jr. and it was tough. I got no sympathy with that story.
We are all home and ready for a little rest and bible study and it is bed time. We have much business to take care of tomorrow, John will be up as our container is in and we will have to get the papers from the lawyer so we can get it unloaded soon. It has 500,000 John/Romans in the native language and many things John needs for their living comforts in Tengani.
Please pray for the work here. We have a need and I will share it with you all at a later time. We have about come to the end of what we can do with what we have.
Because of the Cross,
Chuck, Sheila, Taylor and the rest of the gang

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